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simple - ringtones

List of simple ringtones. You can audition and download the simple ringtones that are ideal for smartphones. Delivering mp3 for andoroid and m4r for iPhone!

Download a simple sound that does not get tired and suitable for setting iphone and android mobile phones

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Currently gaining attention as an effective exercise for weight loss and improved fitness, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves 20 seconds of intense effort followed by a 10-second rest interval. This timer is designed specifically for HIIT workouts. In this file, a loud beep sound plays for 20 seconds, followed by a slightly quieter sound for the 10-second rest period. It's a convenient tool to use during your HIIT sessions, helping you stay on track with your intervals.

This is a countdown timer marking 10 seconds, perfect for use in interval training or any other activities. The countdown beep sound features beeps at 10-second intervals, with an added echo effect resonating at the end. This sound effect is commonly used when segmenting time during training sessions, tasks, or other situations where a countdown is beneficial.

This is a beep sound counting down for 10 seconds, suitable for interval training. It provides a simple and straightforward tone, making it ideal for use in interval training or as a timer. Being a short piece of music, it can be repeated without causing fatigue, making it suitable for extended workout sessions or other activities. Feel free to use it as a timer for exercises, work, or any other purposes.

A high-pitched bell's catchy ringtone. It refers to the simple sound commonly heard in older telephones,resembling a "ring-ring. This ringtone is a fundamental sound in traditional telephone systems and has also been adopted in mobile phones and smartphones. Often recognized as one of the most straightforward and memorable tones,this simple bell ringtone has stood the test of time as a classic and easily recognizable notification sound.

This is a longer music track designed to create a bright and energetic atmosphere for phone calls. With a simple yet lively musical composition,it can be used as a cheerful ringtone or a cute notification sound. Energetic Call features a melody that exudes brightness and vitality,making it perfect for alerting users to incoming phone calls or messages.

Creepy ringtones perfect to give you a sense of fear. This is a horror-themed digital phone ringtone known as Pururu. Its a relatively simple sound effect made up of long sequences,but its great at creating a disturbing atmosphere. Prulul is great to use as a phone ringtone when you want to get a shiver down your spine,or as part of the aural background for a horror movie or game. This is an effective tool to create a spine-chilling atmosphere and increase the overall sense of fear.

iPhone Style Text Message Chime #2 is another text message notification sound inspired by the iPhone. It features a short and simple melody that expresses the bright and refreshing atmosphere typical of iPhone message notifications. Perfect for not only mobile phone ringtones,but also email notification sounds. When used in conjunction with other iPhone-style notification sounds,they enhance the overall mood of your smartphone and create a consistent and familiar user experience. It has gained popularity since its release.

Pon,pop,pop,pop! Following the creation of this fun sound,weve expanded the series. short but attention-grabbing pop and cute message tones are perfect for announcing the arrival of a message. The simple yet playful melody leaves a gentle impression on the listener. This sound will definitely make exchanging messages even more fun. Plus,the series multiple tones allow you to match your tone or show off your unique style. Whenever you want a change of pace or need some humor,try this pop,pop,pop,pop sound.

Pon,pop,pop! This is a fun sound that announces the arrival of a message with a series of cheerful pop sounds. It has a friendly tone,making it ideal for message notifications such as email and social media. It has a bright and lively impression,making it suitable for a wide range of uses such as apps,games,and advertisements. Especially suitable for content and services aimed at younger audiences. Give your users a fun and enjoyable experience with cute message tones!

Pop,pop! This sound is an endearing pop and cute message notification with a delightful pop,pop sound. Its short and sweet,making it perfect for repeated plays without becoming tiresome. You can use it for message alerts or as an app notification sound. Give it a try and enjoy the charm it adds to your notifications.