Crows cry-Smartphone ringtone

Crows cry download page

I am publishing the ringtone Crows cry most suitable for iphone and android. You can set Crows cry as ringtone on your smartphone.

Caw caw

Play ringtone and details

The mp3 file size for android and PC is 240kb.
The file size of m4r for ios is 114kb.


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To download "Crows cry" ringtones, press the "Download" button. To set the “Crows cry” as an incoming call, download a file that is compatible with your smartphone. For Android users, you can download an [mp3] file from your smartphone to set the incoming call. If you are using an ios, download the [m4r] file from a computer synchronized with iTunes. You can import to ios as a ringtone from iTunes.

Ringtones related to Crows cry

The Belgian national anthem The Song of Brabant (La Bravansonne) was launched by a young revolutionary called Geneva at a meeting at Aigle dOr café in 1830,when he revolutionized the rule of King Willem I of the Netherlands. There is a legend that it was written. According to historical facts,Louis-Alexandre Duché,Geneva,was a French actor in the theater where the revolution that led to independence from the Netherlands in August 1830 began. Geneval died in the war of independence,but was composed by François van Campenou and first played in September 1830.In 1860,Belgium officially adopted this song as the national anthem. At that time,the Prime Minister was editing the lyrics attacking the Dutch Crown Prince. Since Belgium has three official languages,Dutch,French and German,depending on the region,there are also three official versions of the lyrics. It is also called La Bravensonne because of its French title.

Step into the bustling streets of Japan with the iconic Japanese pedestrian crossing sound. Often associated with pedestrian crossings,this familiar and distinctive sound brings the essence of urban life and safety to your digital experience. The Japanese Crosswalk sound,with the rhythmic melody Kakko Kakko,encourages pedestrians to cross the road safely. Its unique and recognizable nature reflects the harmonious coexistence of pedestrians and vehicles in Japanese cities. Immerse yourself in the charm of Japanese cities with the Japanese pedestrian crossing sound. Every time you hear a familiar melody,it takes you to the vibrant streets and bustling intersections of Japanese cities. Embrace the safety and cultural significance of the sound of the Japanese pedestrian crossing. Enhance your digital experience with this distinctive and recognizable tone,and let it serve as a reminder of the importance of pedestrian safety and the harmonious flow of urban life. Stay connected with your cultural authenticity and make each notice a moment of urban glamour.

The Croatian national anthem “Lijepa naša domovino” is written by the poet Antun Mihanovi? Composed by Josip Runjanin in 1846. Lyrics up to number 2. Croatia became independent from Yugoslavia in 1991 (Photo: Dubrovnik Old Town on the Adriatic coast).

Experience the charm of Japanese pedestrian crossings with the soothing sound of Japanese pedestrian crossing Piyopiyo. This iconic,cheerful sound adds playfulness and safety to your digital experience. The Japanese crosswalk piyopiyo sound is a unique warning sound used to ensure the safety of pedestrians at crosswalks in Japan. A bright and familiar melody resembling birdsong reminds you to cross the road safely. Experience the lively streets of Japan with the sound of Japanese crosswalk piyopiyo. Let the cheery melodies take you to a busy intersection where pedestrians and vehicles harmoniously share the road. Please accept the safety and cultural significance of the sound of Japanese crosswalk piyopiyo. Enhance your digital experience with this unique and hilarious tone,reminding pedestrians of the importance of safety and the joy of urban living. Stay connected with your cultural authenticity and make each notification a moment of bright attention.