Chopin:Etude Op.10-1-Smartphone ringtone

Chopin:Etude Op.10-1 download page

I am publishing the ringtone Chopin:Etude Op.10-1 most suitable for iphone and android. You can set Chopin:Etude Op.10-1 as ringtone on your smartphone.

Composition: Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849)

Play ringtone and details

The mp3 file size for android and PC is 855kb.
The file size of m4r for ios is 570kb.


Chopin:Etude Op.10-1QR code on download page

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To download "Chopin:Etude Op.10-1" ringtones, press the "Download" button. To set the “Chopin:Etude Op.10-1” as an incoming call, download a file that is compatible with your smartphone. For Android users, you can download an [mp3] file from your smartphone to set the incoming call. If you are using an ios, download the [m4r] file from a computer synchronized with iTunes. You can import to ios as a ringtone from iTunes.

Ringtones related to Chopin:Etude Op.10-1

Composition: Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849)

Composition: Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849)

Composition: Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849)

Well known as the Grande Valse Brillante,this is the first Waltz ever published for Chopin. It is considered that the autograph was added by the publisher because Grand is not attached to the autograph. Published one after another in 1834 in Paris,Leipzig,and London,the popularity of Waltz as Butoh is related to its popularity. Especially in Paris,the status of waltz was rapidly improving with the introduction of waltz to the ball at the Opera in 1834.

ngel Villoldo (February 16,1861 - October 14,1919) was an Argentine composer and guitarist born in Buenos Aires. In 1903,he released the tango composition El Choclo. The title translates to The Corn in Spanish.Enjoy hours of this classic tango piece by Ángel Villoldo,showcasing the cultural richness and rhythmic flair of Argentine music. Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing melodies and rhythms that have made El Choclo a timeless tango classic.