We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box]-Smartphone ringtone

We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box] download page

I am publishing the ringtone We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box] most suitable for iphone and android. You can set We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box] as ringtone on your smartphone.

I wish you a happy Christmas,but it means Happy Christmas!.It is said to have originated in the western part of England in the 16th century. This song also shows that the wealthy in England at that time prepared Christmas puddings to celebrate Christmas.

Play ringtone and details

The mp3 file size for android and PC is 139kb.
The file size of m4r for ios is 63kb.


We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box]QR code on download page

I send a mail

To download "We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box]" ringtones, press the "Download" button. To set the “We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box]” as an incoming call, download a file that is compatible with your smartphone. For Android users, you can download an [mp3] file from your smartphone to set the incoming call. If you are using an ios, download the [m4r] file from a computer synchronized with iTunes. You can import to ios as a ringtone from iTunes.

Ringtones related to We wish you a Merry Christmas short.ver[Music Box]

Pay attention to the volume. A frequency that can be heard under the age of 18.

Say Lets go in a girls voice. Lets do our best!

Frère Jacques is an old French folk song and nursery rhyme that has been handed down since the 17th century. The meaning of the song title is Brother Jack. Frère here refers to a monk or believer who belongs to the same religious denomination,not to a family-related brother/brother. The lyrics portray a monk Jack,still asleep,to ring the morning bell in the church.

Rapid Hue is an exhilarating sound effect that makes you feel high-speed movement. This is a fast-paced,dynamic “Hue” sound that creates a sense of speed and dynamism. Perfect for representing machines,vehicles,or any high-speed element,Rapid Hue adds an exciting and adventurous feel to your projects. Whether youre creating content around fast-paced action sequences,futuristic technology,or thrilling ride experiences,Rapid Hue enhances visual intensity and excitement. Use it as a notification sound for high priority alerts or as an engaging effect in your multimedia productions. Get your fill of speed and adrenaline with Rapid Hue. This sound effect is sure to captivate your audience and immerse them in a world of speed and movement. Add a little thrill to your project and take your content to new heights of excitement with Rapid Hue. Try it now and feel the excitement!