We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box]-Smartphone ringtone

We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box] download page

I am publishing the ringtone We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box] most suitable for iphone and android. You can set We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box] as ringtone on your smartphone.

Carol originated in the western part of England in the 16th century. The origin of Christmas carols is in the wealthy people of England. It seems that the origin was that we prepared figurine pudding similar to Christmas pudding and sang Carol on Christmas Eve day.

Play ringtone and details

The mp3 file size for android and PC is 878kb.
The file size of m4r for ios is 462kb.


We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box]QR code on download page

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To download "We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box]" ringtones, press the "Download" button. To set the “We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box]” as an incoming call, download a file that is compatible with your smartphone. For Android users, you can download an [mp3] file from your smartphone to set the incoming call. If you are using an ios, download the [m4r] file from a computer synchronized with iTunes. You can import to ios as a ringtone from iTunes.

Ringtones related to We wish you a Merry Christmas[Music Box]

Entrance chime.It is the sound of the entrance chime / entrance buzzer when you ask someones home,and the pin pawn of the door chime.

It is a music box arrangement of the famous middle part of Jupiter from Horsts representative orchestral song Composition Planet. Please listen while thinking of Jupiter.