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Classic - ringtones

List of Classic ringtones. You can audition and download the Classic ringtones that are ideal for smartphones. Delivering mp3 for andoroid and m4r for iPhone!

It refers to the Viennese classical style following the baroque music that took place in the 18th century.

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Hungarian dance. Known as one of the masterpieces of the German composer Johannes Brahms (1833-97),No. 5 has an exotic melody that everyone has heard at least once. There is also a well-known anecdote that after the collection of scores was published,it was criticized by other musicians such as Eduardo Lemeni (1830-98) for plagiarism of his own work,causing controversy.

Classic guitar masterpiece Love Romance became world famous for being played by guitar player Narciso Yepes as the theme song of the 1952 French movie Les Jeux Interdits. It was There seems to be a strong connection between the movie and the song,and it seems that it has become widely established especially in Japan under the title Forbidden Play. Several Japanese lyrics are also attached,and you can listen to one of the Japanese versions of it in the album Hibari Sekai no Uta Uta,which Hibari Misora ​​sang famous songs from around the world.

Well known as the Grande Valse Brillante,this is the first Waltz ever published for Chopin. It is considered that the autograph was added by the publisher because Grand is not attached to the autograph. Published one after another in 1834 in Paris,Leipzig,and London,the popularity of Waltz as Butoh is related to its popularity. Especially in Paris,the status of waltz was rapidly improving with the introduction of waltz to the ball at the Opera in 1834.

A piano piece composed on April 27,1810 by Ludwig van Beethoven.

Ave Maria,literally in the Latin word Hello,Maria or Congratulations,Maria is understood to mean the words. In turn,it refers to the prayer to the Virgin Mary of the Catholic Church that begins with this sentence. This prayer is conveyed by the church,but not as a liturgical act,but as a private devotion.

Charles Francois Gounod (1818-1893)