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Long song - ringtones

List of Long song ringtones. You can audition and download the Long song ringtones that are ideal for smartphones. Delivering mp3 for andoroid and m4r for iPhone!

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The composers unknown,in G-flat major or Sharp F major,a song that is popular all over the world.

The national anthem of the Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union was the Soviet Anthem (連邦 осударственный гимн СССР) enacted in 1944. Composed by Alexander Alexandrov (Александр В. Александров) and composed by Sergei Mikhalkov (Сергей В. Михалков). After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the establishment of the Russian Federation on New Years Day in 1992,President Boris Yeltsin,who was promoting desovietization,set the `` Patriotism composed by Mikhail Glinka as the provisional anthem .

The Belgian national anthem The Song of Brabant (La Bravansonne) was launched by a young revolutionary called Geneva at a meeting at Aigle dOr café in 1830,when he revolutionized the rule of King Willem I of the Netherlands. There is a legend that it was written. According to historical facts,Louis-Alexandre Duché,Geneva,was a French actor in the theater where the revolution that led to independence from the Netherlands in August 1830 began. Geneval died in the war of independence,but was composed by François van Campenou and first played in September 1830.In 1860,Belgium officially adopted this song as the national anthem. At that time,the Prime Minister was editing the lyrics attacking the Dutch Crown Prince. Since Belgium has three official languages,Dutch,French and German,depending on the region,there are also three official versions of the lyrics. It is also called La Bravensonne because of its French title.

The Portuguese national anthem A Portuguesa (A Portuguesa) was written in 1890 by Henrique Lopes de Mendonça and composed by Alfredo Keil . On October 5,1910,the Republican revolution to the monarchy succeeded and Portugal transitioned to the Republic. At the first Constitutional Council held on July 19,1911,the following year,the song of Portugal replaced the national anthem Eno da Carta during the constitutional monarchy praising the king. (A Portuguesa) is adopted as the official national anthem of the new Portuguese republic.

The lyrics of the American national anthem,The Star-Spangled Banner,are based on historical facts of the U.S.-American War in 1812. The British troops,which were dominant in the U.S.-British war,dropped the capital,Washington,D.C.,and the Royal Navy besieged Fort McHenry at Baltimore Harbor. The episode of the birth of the American National Anthem is largely related to this defense battle at Fort McHenry.

The German national anthem,also known as the German Song (Deutschlandlied) or the German Song (Das Lied der Deutschen),was written in 1797 by Franz Josef Haydn in honor of the Holy Roman Emperor Franz II. ,Protecting Emperor Franz / Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser (the theme of the second movement of the string quartet Emperor ).At that time,in Europe,where the influence of the French Revolution had spread,Haydn wrote a poem to praise the emperor and dedicated it to Franz II,the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire,considering the patriotism of his country,Germany. After the demolition of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806,the song became the national anthem of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

The Argentine national anthem Himno Nacional Argentino was enacted on May 11,1813,during the war of independence from Spain. May 11 is National Flag Day. Lyrics were written by Vicente Lopez y Planes,composed by Blas Parera,arranged by Juan Pedro Esnaola. On May 11,the national anthem was enacted. Currently,Argentina has a national flag day.

The national anthem of Honduras Himno Nacional de Honduras is composed by Carlos Hartling. The lyrics are Augusto Constancio Coello. The lyrics are chronologically spelled out in the history of Honduras,singing from a chorus and seven verses. In public events,only the chorus and number 7 are sung; specifically,the chorus is sung around number 7. In the first line of the chorus,Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo (Your flag is the light of heaven),in Honderas,Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo (Your flag is the heavenly light) Light) is also used.

The national anthem of the Republic of Ecuador “Many Years,My Motherland” (¡Salve,Oh Patria!) Was written in 1865 by Juan Leon Mera and composed by Antonio Neumane. The Played for the first time in Plaza Grande in 1870. Performance is a key in C flat major (played in E major key since 2001). There are up to 6 lyrics,but usually only the 2nd lyrics and chorus are sung.

The Swiss national anthem “Swiss Hymn” was composed in 1841 by the Swiss monk Alberich Zwyssig (1808-1854). Since then,it has been sung at patriotic events. However,the Swiss Parliament has not officially adopted it as a national anthem,and from 1961 to 1981,a song using the melody of the British “Quote of the Queen” has been treated as a national anthem. On April 1,1981,the Swiss parliament officially declared the Swiss anthem as the Swiss national anthem,and was officially adopted as the Swiss national anthem in 1981.